Re: [RC] Starts - EquesB
1) I am disappointed that you feel a Protest should be filed, as opposed to discussion by members. Someone else mentioned that if people didn't like it they could "just file a protest." Isn't that kind of like bullying, saying: "so, just sue me" ? Don't we have enough of that attitude in society? Why can't this issue be discussed and perhaps a rule "clarification" or perhaps some guidelines be issued? I run my own business, when I have a staff meeting, we are constantly trying to improve our service, without waiting for a complaint. I would like to think that AERC is capable of doing the same thing.
In a message dated 7/12/02 12:07:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time, johnt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
Seems to me that you are projecting a future where the number of starters that may be miss-reported to the AERC is extremely large
So has the BOD decided that a certain percentage of rides can fudge on their entries? Is that number 2 or 20? Are all RM's aware that this option is available?
and that this problem will overwhelm the ability of AERC to perform its records
keeping function.
Who's going to beleive the records or ride stats if everyone knows they are not correct? Isn't this driving the records keeper crazy? How about the Treasurer, does that person think this is a sound financial practice?
This challenges the personal integrity of every ride manager who chooses to sanction with AERC. This is not a warrented nor
a reasonable assertion.
It seems to me that AERC integrity is at stake here, its the AERC budget, its the AERC public image, why have rules if we are going to ignore infractions? How many RM's have to admit this has happened on their ride before it is reasonable? Has the BOD already decided what is reasonable?
You should, if you feel as you seem to express in this message, initiate a protest based on rule 16.3. It is only through the protest and grievance procedure that one goes beyond the AERC self policing mechanism.
You mean it has to go from self policing right to P&G?
Broad generalizations about precident and unfounded pessimistic views of future systemic woes in a public form are of no consequence.
OK, I guess you don't want this discussed on your mountain, I am fine with that. But just so you know I am not a pessimist, I am really an optimist because I believe in structured systems and think they can work. But it requires discussion and action, not just jumping for the gun.
Thanks, its been fun,
Jackie Baker