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    Re: [RC] electric fence - Laurie Durgin

    We have the same setup.I bought caps that go over t poles and before that some metal/plastic standoffs You can get them thru Jeffers and other livestock suppliers. I put 1/2 tape thru them and have used both a solar and plug in charger(it is cheaper when lightening gets it., 39.oo$)We put it under a bucket and run a cord.I put a wire on because my mare would paw the fence and get her shoe caught in it.I also put the caps on after I heard stories of horses impaling themselves on them.I  haven't had anyone get to close to the fence after touching  it once or twice.(But they do figure out when it goes down , my farrier says they can hear it.I know they jump if I unplug, then replug it you can hear a ziztz. Laurie an Rascal
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Kathy & Mike Kelly
    Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 4:36 PM
    To: Ridecamp
    Subject: [RC] electric fence
    My perimeter fence is mesh on t-posts, and it also makes up 2 sides of the lot my horses spend alot of time in.  My neighbor, who owns the land next to me on these 2 sides, is planning to start using that land for pasture soon.  We're expecting that since our horses will just be separated by that mesh fence now, that they'll start hanging on it, etc and it will get beat up.  So we'd like to string an electric wire across the top to preserve our fence.
    Is this something we can do ourselves?  Any helpful hints for me?  I'm looking at a solar charger and tape (instead of wire).
    Also, she thinks we should also have a wire 1/2 way up because her mares have rubbed against her fences and torn them up.  I think that having just a top wire will keep the horses off the fence, and am not sure how we'd run a wire 1/2 way up anyway.
    Kathy Kelly
    Parks AZ

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