Re: [RC] info - superpat
Hi again, Jen,
I think most of your questions and concerns can be addressed best if you
find an endurance ride that is happening that you can get to. You can
contact the ride manager and offer to help (yes, there may be something you
can do even with your limited knowledge) and just go and observe. I would
plan on getting there early on Friday and pitching a tent or whatever and
plan on staying at least until late Saturday. If you can wrangle the time,
you may want to stay until the awards breakfast (if there is one). You will
see people caring for their horses and if you wander around you will
undoubtedly find people to chat with. Endurance folks are happy to share if
you don't pick an inappropriate time when they are attending to their
mounts, etc.
You will see an array of tack, saddles, trailers, camping styles, and during
the ride you will see people in various stages of the ride/race caring for
their mounts. Then, if you have questions to ask, specific to what you may
have observed, Ride Camp may be one place to start.
Just go to the Endurance net web site that I sent to you and take it from
there. Poke around and you will find all kinds of great things of interest.
Go browse the advertisers pages for information about shoes, saddles, etc.
as well.
You should have loads of fun....
----- Original Message -----
From: "jen cochran" <caddymama63@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 12:28 PM
Subject: [RC] info
> Hi everyone...
> Ok so here I am, not knowing next to bob anything aoobout this sport
> except for the fact that I may not have enough padding on my @$$ to not be
> in pain after a long ride...oh well. please tolerate my ignorance in this
> respect.
> Any ways, I had a few questions for those knoledgeable riders out there.
> 1) What kind of shoes do you reccomend for a ride? I hear things about
> sneekers, easy boots, aluminum shoes?It's all very mind boggeling (SP) to
> first time hores rider and distance rider! What are the differeces? How do
> you go about using them? (i hear you have to use some kind of stuff with
> easy shoes?!?!) What is most econimical? Which wear the best?
> 2) SPONGING? what is the deal with sponging? I know it has something to do
> with cooling the horse down. If you take all your tack off during a ride
> sponge off, won't the horse get saddle sores if you put a saddle on wet
> skin? Also wouldn't it mess up the saddle pad?
> 3) How do you go about camping with your horse? I was told that tieing to
> the trailer is a bad idea, but for those of us who are just starting out,
> what's your advise to keep a horse around long enough over night so that
> they are still there the next day so that you can ride them? I have seen
> portable corrals but they look awful expensive, that's why I decided
> wasn't for me...The expense? Am I wrong in thinking this?
> 4) What do you do when you have no one to crew for you? Do you have to run
> around to all the stops and set out your stuff the night before? And if so
> how do you keep people from stealing it? (sorry for my lack of trust in
> human decency) also what on earth do you pack for a stop besides buckets
> water and some hay. I know about electrolites, but am still fuzzy about
> to use 'em.
> 5) Last one for now. Equipment. I am lookin at tack (saddles) and I am
> boggled at the price of some tack. I know cheapr is not always better, but
> need some advise as to whick type of saddle is most economical. I am used
> riding western and have NEVER ridden an english saddle. I have found
> english multi puropose saddles that I thik would work, BUT I don't know if
> this is a smart choice for me as i have never ridden in one. I'd like to
> an aussie but they too are a bit too rich ro my pocketbook.
> Any tips would help!
> Thanks guys
> Jen Cochran
> On her way to Oregon
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- [RC] info, jen cochran