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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:29:53 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Fw: Encouragement needed. . . - Cocomix3

    I am going through the same thing with my horse koco who is turning seven. When he is alone on the trail or is in front he spins around really fast and I have done dressage with him and so I know to keep my legs perfect to predict things and stuff, but he is just to strong for me to prevent it most of the time. He is just challenging me and I know he isn't scared of anything. Put when he pulls these stupid stunts I stop him while facing the opposite direction that we were going and make him back up for 20ft give or take. I usually works. So that might work with you. But sometimes for me it doesn't work, But there is my suggestion and I am not going to give up so neither should you !!!! Good luck!

    michelle schifmani