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    Re: [RC] Pasture - Truman Prevatt

    I read the Post article also. FL had been in a five year drought until this June. This past June was the wettest on record in West central FL. Between 13 and upward to 20 inches of rain throughout the area. Now we are going into the real part of the rainy season.

    I spent yesterday terracing the barn area because of erosion - didn't happen for 3 years. Spend tomorrow finishing the job. Can't work today - it's raining.  Sure wish we could send some your way.


    goearth wrote:
    Just returning from mowing dry weeds and another pasture just seeded this spring dying (such beautiful clover it was or may be if we get some rain).  And reading on RC other parts of the country having the same problem (yesterdays Washington Post front page Drought.... and the end times  here now)  There has to be a forage that can grow in these climatic extremes and provide sustanence to the herds thruout the world.  Being an Ornamental Horticulterist, not an Olericulterist, or a Turf or Forage Specialist.  What is this forage for pasture?  tom sites

    goearth wrote:
    Just returning from mowing dry weeds and another pasture just seeded this spring dying (such beautiful clover it was or may be if we get some rain).  And reading on RC other parts of the country having the same problem (yesterdays Washington Post front page Drought.... and the end times  here now)  There has to be a forage that can grow in these climatic extremes and provide sustanence to the herds thruout the world.  Being an Ornamental Horticulterist, not an Olericulterist, or a Turf or Forage Specialist.  What is this forage for pasture?  tom sites

    [RC] Pasture, goearth