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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:28:13 GMT 2003
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    RE: [RC] Fw: Conditoning .. all hills - Rebecca Hackworth

    You just may have to "train" at rides.  I go to the High Desert rides
    in So Cal just for that reason.  I have nowhere else I can trot for
    10 miles without stopping.  The first year, you trot some, walk some.
    The next year you trot more, walk less.  Maybe the third year you
    only trot (except for the rocks, that is.)  
    I seriously find that I am the weakest link, not the horse.  I need
    to walk, if only for a minute, than the horses do.  I find that the
    single track forest trails actually easier on me than the flat rides.
    I get far more fatigued on flat, trot only type rides.  Where the
    trail makes you walk, if only for a few steps lets some muscle groups
    relax for a few.  Then off we go again.
    Anyone else out there ( this sure beats any of the HOT TOPICS )
    Becky Hackworth 
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