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    Re: [RC] [RC] What do we do if we suspect our horse has WNV? - oddfarm

    I don't know. If your horses are vaccinated, then they should be protected, therefore is shouldn't be a waste of money. However, you are giving your horse a dose of WNV when you vaccinate. But, when the vaccine came out, the info I read said only about 100 horses had been tested. That is not a very high number for vaccine testing.
    I would check out the websites I listed and see what else you can find out  about some statistics on horses that have been vaccinated. And of course, talk to your vet. I am only passing on the information that I got from this seminar.
    All we can do is get as much info as possible to make the best educated decisions. That is all we can do.
    Lisa Salas, The Odd Farm
    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2002 9:31 AM
    Subject: Re: [RC] [RC] What do we do if we suspect our horse has WNV?

    Even horses who received the vaccination have gotten seriously ill and or died. Overall though, any horse is at risk.

    Then what's the point of the shots?  I've vaccinated my entire herd with the original shot and the 4 week booster.  Was this just a waste of money?


    Re: [RC] [RC] What do we do if we suspect our horse has WNV?, Bob & Amber Roberts