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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:28:15 GMT 2003
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    [RC] LD Again/Bobbie's idea - Rides 2 Far

    O.K. Everybody's tired of the same old argument that we've heard from up
    down and inside out.  What do you say we do like business and "test
    market" a program?  
    I'd love to see some LD'ers with, or without AERC's participation test
    market Mathew's proposal: "The Way We Win" on LD's.  Maybe even our
    regional clubs could try it out?  You could keep up with it yourself.
    Just photo copy your ride results in EN.  Prove that your horse has
    completed x number of rides at x mph, etc.  If I were the sort of person
    who liked to start a horse in LD, or did LD as a "not race" I'd love
    setting my goals according to the recipe provided and marking them off as
    I accomplished them.  I may just dig out my horse's record and see if he
    has hit "Gold" level.  I hope to reach "Platinum, diamond studded,
    mounted in Rubies level. :-))
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