would be the same woman who was so far in front of her juniors a couple years
ago that she didn't see two of them trot their horses across the one marked
slippery spot on the pavement that we had been expressly warned about at the
ride meeting the night before. Both horses slipped badly, one sat down on
his butt. The juniors seemed to think it was funny. They took this
opportunity to pass us at speed - i.e. they were trotting downhill on slick
asphalt road where we had been warned to walk. They did not ask permission
to pass, the whole group just went right by. If I had the presence of mind
to remember numbers, I would have filed a protest myself. But I was more
concerned with getting MY junior safely through the ride. BTW, my junior
thought their behavior totally inappropriate and said so. This was a 14yo
guy dissing several 15-16 yo girls. Not gonna happen unless he was really
Merryben says, teaching juniors to "Win" LD is not the point. Teaching
them some proper trail manners is.
not personal - I don't know her from Adam. But she gives the rest of us a
bad name.
Alison A. Farrin
Innovative Pension
Innovative Retirement
858-748-6500 x 107
In a message dated 6/19/2002
5:16:29 PM Central Daylight Time, guest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
So much time and energy is wasted on what seems to be a personal
vendetta against someone who regularly wins and has horses that are fit
enough to go at a fast pace and pass vet checks with
She lost a protest last year and I may get flamed
big time for this but teaching juniors to "WIN" is not the best idea in the
world. Besides, I though this was only limited distance.
What is there to "WIN"?????