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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:28:16 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: Re: [RC] laura toston and her riders
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  • - Heidi Smith

    Re: [RC] laura toston and her riders - Heidi Smith

    > Just a thought here from someone on the outside looking in.  I've been
    > reading this discussion, and it occurs to me that the problem is that
    > are awards for finishing with good times.  Perhaps, in the best interest
    > the horses' health (and to get the point across to juniors that condition
    > more important than time) awards should go to juniors who take the best
    > overall care of their horses, and avoid rewards for short finish times
    > altogether.  It might also discourage sponsors who get involved as a way
    > bask in the glory of their juniors rather than out of a true desire to see
    > their "students" compete correctly.
    Here in the NW, on a regional level, we have cumulative awards that go for
    such things as mileage, consecutive completions, etc.  Endurance riding just
    isn't endurance riding without it being a timed event, on one hand, but on
    the other hand, having season-long awards programs provides considerable
    incentive to take care of one's horse, so that he is ok to compete again in
    a couple of weeks, or whenever the next event may be, year in and year out.
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    [RC] laura toston and her riders, Ridecamp Guest
    Re: [RC] laura toston and her riders, Lisa Redmond