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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:28:19 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: Re: [RC] Protecting Horses! (Malibu Ride)
  • - Jennifer Billings
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  • - Truman Prevatt

    Re: [RC] Mt. Carmel Results - superpat

      How would the rest of you like to be accused of cheating
    > because of a paperwork error that you had nothing to do with?
    > k
    I think it's a damn shame that you have to be subjected to the petty
    accusations of those  who probably always look for the worst in others so
    that they may look a little better.
    I know it is advice you may not be able to take, but I wish you would just
    ignore them. It is amazing how jealousy rears it's ugly head at every
    opportunity. Some peolpe lust to believe the worst of those they envy. I do
    not know you except through RC and your contributions on your web site. I
    would be willing to believe only that you are one tough lady with the the
    graciousness of heart to share your knowledge and experience with anyone who
    is willing to look for it. Your accomplishments with your two wonderful
    horses should make you very proud of them and your good care and judgement.
    So, someone saw you leading your horse who appeared lame....so? Good for
    you. You had the good sense to get off and walk.
    I do not expect you to explain yourself to me or anyone else.
    I ride for my own reasons and enjoyment. My ego is not so big that I have to
    compare my accomplishments against those of others.
    The only thing that really burns me is when I see someone obviously
    over-riding their horse or not attending to it's needs. Where in the record
    books they happen to be is of little concern to me. I have not noticed that
    anyone has accused you of anything close to that. I for one wish you many
    years of continued success with your horses.
    ....and thanks a million for the time you have taken to maintain a web site
    that is loads of help to me. I do appreciate your efforts.
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    [RC] Mt. Carmel Results, Karen