If a
person really doesn't like things that happen at a particular ride, the way
something is done, or with behavior problems with people at rides, or whatever
it is. tell the ride manager that you will not attend the ride because of
.....whatever.......... And be clear about your reasons. If a few people
make the same complaint you can bet the RM's will feel it in the pocketbook and
make the necessary changes. RM's want to make money on the rides, we, the
average Joe Cool riders, pay the bills. Sometimes RM's are just not aware
of a problem they have allot to do on ride day, cant see everything that
goes on, but once they know about it really do try to correct it, and
sadly some don't care what you think. But they ALL care about their
wallet. If you continue to support rides that you are not happy about you
cant really gripe to much. We have ALOT of really great rides all over the
country and there is no reason to settle for unacceptable circumstances just to
save a few miles drive. I have gotten extremely selective about the rides I
attend, and I am really having allot more fun for it. Also,I have seen some
folks say that ride camp is not the place to discuss certain problems
concerning rule violations, integrity in vetting, or management, or the
myriad of other "touchy" topics, But it is really about the only place
where a good field of AERC members can see what is going on in some of these
cases. Sometimes there is a real problem with something concerning
allot of people, but it never sees the light of day because nobody speaks up,
for fear of being flamed or shunned, or shot at., don't want to get
involved. We the riders should be the controlling voice from one end to
the other of AERC and the sport. Just because someone is a Newbie, or near-Newbie doesn't mean they
don't know political B.S. when they hear it. Things get swept under
the rug and nobody says anything "cuz it didn't bother me" or what seems is
becoming the "good old boy" system of fairness, or lack of. So
I just feel that the light of day would really improve allot of situations that
really are unacceptable. I'm not criticizing anyone who has written on
these things in the last few days. Just some of my own
feelings. Have a good ride, Annie G.
Anne George Saddlery www.vtc.net/~ageorge