[RC] Protecting Horses! (Malibu Ride) - KathyZ1
We who were doing P & R at the first vet check were strictly enforcing the p and r rates. Some horses were arriving badly inverted. We were also taking temperatures, and let me say that some folks got very annoyed about all of this!!!
I learned that it's usually the same folks who are cranky and the same folks who have little regard for their horses ride after ride so I just stood my ground. It wasn't always easy. But I did it. A few times I wanted to steal sad, exhausted little horses away from their owners and hide them!!!
Thankfully, most riders were great tho. They really got it, were very cooperative and it was a wonderful learning experience all the way around.
Too bad about those few bad apples, tho. Isn't there any way to get them out of the barrel? If they're habitually abusive to people and horses, I mean?