From Robin Kurtz:
Results of the 100 only:
Kathy Brunjes/ Julie Bullock tied for first; ride time 9:58
Becky Harris 3rd
Christine Godsey (first time 100!!!) 17:58
12 started; 2 standing for
Kathy Brunjes: BC
Becky Harris: Best Vet
Good job everyone.
Robin - ½ of the management team
From Margie Burton:
This was a wonderful ride:
well marked, well managed and well run. Even the weather cooperated this year until about
mid-afternoon. It started off
cool, upper 60’s and relative low humidity – then the clouds came in and kept
it cool but allowed the rain to start around 1:30. The big storm hit sometime late afternoon and it was intense
for a while. Luckily Robin had
started the 100’s at 3:30, the 50’s at 5:30 and the 25’s at 5:45. So most everyone was in – the last
couple of hundreds had a really tough few hours. It would have scared me off! As we were headed back with about 2 miles to camp my junior
commented that the weather reminded her of an early scene in the Wizard of
Oz; yeah, the one right before
Dorothy disappeared! Kids!!