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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:28:22 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Fw: [RC] Dress Codes (was So Long) - Susan Garlinghouse

     "...considering all the data showing that helmets provide
    > protection against head injuries and given the inherent risk in
    > endurance riding it was in fact negligent not to require ASTM approved
    Just as an aside, David and I have toyed with the idea of trying to
    resurrect the Pendleton Challenge, which is held on a Marine base in So Cal,
    as David has plenty of military contacts there.  In the past, anyone coming
    onto the base had to show insurance.  If the conversations we've had with
    the base cmdr there hold true, anyone entering the ride in the future will
    be required to wear a helmet or leave.  Might be an interesting trend for
    the future in other areas.
    susan g
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    Re: [RC] Fw: [RC] Dress Codes (was So Long), Tamara Woodcock
    Re: [RC] Fw: [RC] Dress Codes (was So Long), Truman Prevatt