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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:28:22 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: Re: [RC] Your Ride History/Pulls
  • - Becky Huffman
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  • - Coujurs1

    [RC] Your Ride History/Pulls - Rides 2 Far

    >     To my knowledge, there is no AERC award for the rider (or horse) 
    with the  highest completion to pulls ratio, at any level.
    Not familiar with the case in point, but I disagree with you that this is
    not important.  Stallion owners advertise their completion ratio. 
    Sellers of horses advertise it.  It matters and a high ratio is
    Since the rider/horse histories have been on line I have enjoyed looking
    up people's history just to get a little grasp of what they're like.  If
    I look up a rider who gives lots of advice on RC, but see they have a
    very high pull ratio my respect for their advice drops and I'll take what
    they say with a grain of salt.  I care about my pull ratio and may
    actually choose not to start a ride to protect it.  For instance, when I
    pulled at Biltmore this spring with a sound horse it really bothered me
    that I had to add another pull to his record.
    Roger has chastised us for not wanting to stir things up with popular
    people or vets because we are afraid of making waves.  I have to admit,
    I'm one of him who didn't want to say anything publicly.  If you want to
    see a QUIET forum, check out a zone team list.  Nobody wants to offend
    anybody!  Before you jump on Sylvia for making waves, take a look at the
    accusation.  Sometimes you have to take your argument "to the people" to
    get it out there.  If something's going on and people haven't thought it
    was a big deal to let it slide, let's nip it in the bud before it's a big
    deal.  Small holes sink big ships.
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