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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:28:23 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: Re: [RC] Your Ride History
  • - marilyn wiese
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  • - Maryanne Stroud Gabbani

    RE: [RC] Ridecamp - Maryanne Stroud Gabbani

    verything Howard writes is high drama, which is what makes it so
    objectionablel/enjoyable. Glad to see that it was voluntary because way back
    when in Sept/October, Howard and I had some serious conversations to help
    him learn more about the people in this part of the world. From my thinking
    of him as pretty much an ignorant whacko redneck cracker, I've come to
    consider him one of my email friends....and one whose thought is usually a
    lot deeper than his words. So I'm glad to know that he's still lurking.
    I agree with Steph on another thing. You all have an endurance season
    underway and you all need to be riding. For the last three years I have had
    to serve as a conduit for the experience and knowledge that is contained in
    Ridecamp for the vets, riders, and volunteers who have tried to start
    endurance in Egypt. The communication among riders about how rides go, what
    can make them better, how to care for the horses....all of this is
    invaluable in a country that has no real endurance riding. I have seen ideas
    of training and feeding change, watched people come and go on the list, and
    I've never competed in anything longer than a 20 km training ride...though I
    have had the fascinating experience of managing some FEI rides in Egypt.
    Nothing that I've done would have been possible without all of you and the
    vast diversity that you represent. I manage not to go totally bonkers
    running businesses in Egypt largely through a major measure of patience and
    tolerance for "little oddities" that exist in another culture, language and
    part of the world. I've also truly come to love the bizarre street theatre
    that is Egyptian life. Surely everyone can do that with people who are of
    your own culture. In Arabic the word for patience and cactus are related:
    sabr...one of those random facts that you probably never thought you'd know.
    I think that means something about the nature of patience.
    Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
    Cairo, Egypt
     And have seen just about everything, but I think Howard's farewell
    post may be the best bit of Ridecamp drama ever written. Ever. (I bumped him
    because he asked for it - but he can resubscribe any time he wants, and/or
    use the Guest form).
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     Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp