Howard, you simple twit, you are a hypocrite.
While being tied up to 'Jug Tree' who do you invoke? My Lord.
Please, do not Racial Profile as they did to the Japanese in WW2.
The Children of Abraham have their problems but rather than the Name they have
the same God only thru different messangers. Lou Reed said it better than
i ever can with simplistic poetry "....there's something over
there." Albert Einstein who was the smartest man i ever read about
said "...the further of my knowledge of Physics the more i am convinced of
a creator." Our words may differ thru language but there are those that
think there is and those that think there is not. This has been
the longest battle between the forces of light and darkness. How can
you who can not even comphrehend Basic Simplicity 101 be expected to
figure out the grandest mystery in the universe? I don't think you will
but i pray you do. So Please the next time you find yourself tied up to
'Jug Tree' invoke Satans Name and say............. "Devil Damn
It". tom sites