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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:27:26 GMT 2003
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  • - Roger Rittenhouse

    Re[2]: [RC] Pre-Ride VC Issues and a few others - Roger Rittenhouse

     Part 2
    The next issue occurred at a ride where a rider was 'permitted' to RO out
    for a 'violation' of Rule13 the drug rule.
    The horse was in a blood test program - with blood samples taken by a vet.
    The rider was permitted to see the results. The original 'pull' was defined under Rule13 -
    as invasive procedures ie a blood test was taken, then changed to the
    rider saw the blood test results.
     No where in our rules is this addressed.
    It is NOT against the rules to do this. One could try to interpret
    Rule13 to make it apply ,but it clearly has nothing to with   letter
    or the intent of Rule13
     The rider took the RO - I assume the rider would have been
    pulled if not choosing to do so. Pressure and intimation as well as
    the rider not wanting to make waves resulted in this   unjust and
    questionably illegal action by a vet. I called it abuse of authority.
    The final position-decision  is it gave the rider an unfair advantage. Discount
    the fact the rider was able to see just how his horse was doing and could
    adjust the ride in the best interest of the horse. A real good point
    to me.
    Many rides/vets offer blood tests before during and after. As long as ALL riders
    had the option to the blood test, this should not have been an issue.
     Actually I do not even see that as an issue.
    While a number of you (Bob M) will disagree with me I see NO problem or
    violation of ANY rule that prevents me or anyone taking a blood sample
    to measure a blood parameter - such as glucose.
    Rule13 applies to DRUGGING the horse to gain increased performance.
    Nothing is mentioned about using a blood analysis to help evaluate the
    horse and yes adjust your ride program - protocol to continue with the
    race/ride. I see it as a for the benefit of the horse.
    If this is a real issue and it just may well be, since a few riders
    may now have a vet on their team and a portable blood analyzer unit.
    We just may see this at more high level rides. I personally do NOT
    have a problem with that process.
    If AERC wants to restrict the use of blood analysis during a ride, they
    must pass a rule to prevent this, NOT use some self interpretation of
    another rule not written to cover an other different  issue.
    We have NO rule against riders or team/crew vets TAKING a blood sample for analysis.
    If you  believe that to be wrong then we need to say so in our rules. It
    would fit under RULE 13.
    Of course this would have the effect of stopping ALL studies  and
    research at rides.  NO one would be allowed to take a blood sample at
    any time EXCEPT the DRUG TEST personal.
    It has nothing to do with a level playing field. Anyone can hire a vet
    and take blood samples - if you can afford it. KNOWING the stats of
    the blood chemistry provides additional information to help the rider
    take better care of the horses. I seriously doubt anyone doing this is
    going to 'drug' their horse based on the analysis. They MAY change the
    elytes. MAY increase glucose sources. They MAY go faster and forbid it
    they MAY slow down.
    Level playing field is an old abused reason for many ills. It does not
    exist. I really want the field tilted in MY favor.
     Level the field -then  We should
    eliminate ALL devices - special shoes - saddles - what ever MAY give someone a
    competitive advantage. Make sure they eat the same. etc..
    In this sport you win ( as in race to first place) BECAUSE you have a
    competitive advantage. You ride better, take better care of your
    horse, do your conditioning and feeding to aide your horse and
    monitor his performance during a ride,  by intuitive and other means
      ( tools - HRM - stereoscope,  hands, 'feel'  crews - a personal
    vet/shoer etc) are we limit access to anything that one rider can
    obtain and another cannot - or chooses not to use?
    This is not NASCAR, We do not all start out equal.
    This latest round of rule interpretations and application is just
    another example of the changes in our sport.
    Other disciplines have an assortment of Rule managers - stewards - rule
    interpreters, ground juries- protest judges etc. These personal on site
    at the events insure the rules are followed, by ALL involved,
    competitors and judges.
    No one is above the law or rules.
    We have a problem within AERC , a   number of members place them self
    above the Bylaws and our rules. It is not limited to just the vets.
    I bring these issues to the public for discussion.
    I do not really expect any action from members nor the BOD
    Roger Rittenhouse
     Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net.
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    RE: [RC] Pre-Ride VC Issues and a few others, Steph Teeter
    Re: [RC] Pre-Ride VC Issues and a few others, Truman Prevatt