Re: [RC] RC Shivering - JUDYK89
I can see this.
I bought a horse that was absolutely gorgeous (I'm terrible at picking horses for this sport, I always fall for the pretty face) and she was very nervous, high strung, whatever you want to call it. She ended up tying up, and went on to tie up every time I took her out of her paddock.
I traded for her full sister, while not as nervous, was also "high strung" and spooked quite a bit, was a pain to hand walk, and shivered while the horses around her were snug and warm, at the mildest temp changes.
So these full sisters showed the temperament in different ways, but I have no doubt it was bred into them. I no longer have either one.
PS, I now have a beautiful horse that is also calm, but I needed help to find her :0)