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    Re: [RC] Critical Thinking-Off topic a bit - S.N.

    Actually, it is accepted scientific principle that we do not know everything
    there is to know. We evaluate and reason based on the methods at our
    disposal and come to theories as a result of the evidence.  All of which is
    subject to change based on new acquisition of evidence. However, said
    acquisition of evidence must "follow" and be duplicable, for it to be
    rationally tested.
    It is this "evidence" which is subject to warping by individuals for
    personal gain. There are all sorts of common fallacies in rational thought
    that "psychics" and other con men and women play on in order to fool the
    subjects into believing they have obtained actual evidence, when in fact,
    they have not.  Simple deduction and application of scientific controls to
    any experiment in paranormal activity mysteriously and routinely causes said
    ability or activity to disappear. Coincidence? I think not.
    To bring this around to endurance-related subjects, I've noticed an
    incredible increase in these "pet psychic" individuals. They practice the
    exact same technique as other "psychics", in which they tend to ask broad,
    leading questions, and are very perceptive to the person (or owner's)
    inadvertant disclosures of information, which they then incorporate into
    their "readings". And just like the rest, they are pure baloney.
    Now, before I'm flamed by the "true believers" here, I just want to point
    out that it doesn't matter a hoot to me what you choose to believe in or
    what you spend your money on. What DOES matter to me is these individuals
    possibly dispensing medical information and recommending treatments without
    the proper education.  If you want to go to one of these people to hear
    about the past lives of your pet, go for it. (Better yet, send me the money.
    I can write a more amusing story than most of them can!). But allowing these
    people to influence the actual care and maintenance of your pet is just
    asking for trouble.
    Unrepentant Skeptic
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Dolores Arste <darste@xxxxxxx>
    To: Ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 1:19 PM
    Subject: [RC] Critical Thinking/The six rules of evidential reasoning /was
    pet communicators
    > "The Six Rules of Evidential Reasoning"
    > These rules presume that we know everything this is to know. In a book
    > called "Mozart and the Fighter Pilot" the brain and its functions are
    > explored. And, there is just so much we do not know. In D'Darte's times it
    > was thought that animals could not feel pain. He is quoted as saying "In
    > incredible that they are so good a feigning the feelings of pain". This is
    > what science concludes.
    > So now we know this is not true. The brain translates messages into
    > in an unknown way. I personally have had a long distance telepathic
    > experience with a favorite dog. There are test going on right now that
    > that a dog can determine the exact time an owner leaves from work. Even
    > though that work is 20 miles away.
    > One should not presume that the world is flat even if it stands up to
    > current knowledge and testing. JMHO.
    > Dolores
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     Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net.
     Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp

    [RC] Critical Thinking/The six rules of evidential reasoning /was pet communicators, Dolores Arste