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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:26:58 GMT 2003
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  • - kathy . mayeda
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  • - kathy . mayeda

    Re: [RC] Wine Country/Gastroguard - Heidi Smith

    > Also, related horses may be horses that were raised at
    > the same or similar facilities, and that may be more of
    > a factor than the genetics themselves.
    Actually, we've tried to look at a much broader picture than just immediate
    parent/offspring/sibling sorts of relationships when making comparisons in
    performance, and are often comparing horses from broad general families that
    are raised all over the country--both in terms of successes AND failures.
    Part of accurately looking at genetics is taking into account the very sorts
    of things you mention.
    Where veterinarians often go amiss is looking at a breeding farm where ALL
    of the closely related horses have a problem, and saying "this looks
    genetic"--when in fact, if the problem were genetic, it would tend to
    segregate, and only a percentage would have the problem (the percentage
    varying depending on the mode of inheritance).  Hence, in the above sort of
    scenario, the problem is likely environmental.  By the same token, people
    will point to a success story and say "that problem can't be inherited,
    because look, here is a horse bred like that that is excelling."  Given
    segregation, one would only expect to see the problem in the appropriate
    percentage of offspring, not all of them, so yes, the problem may well still
    be genetic, and the success story is just the lucky horse that ended up in
    the "good" half that didn't get that gene copy, so to speak.
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    Re: [RC] Wine Country/Gastroguard, kathy . mayeda