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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:26:16 GMT 2003
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    [RC] supplements/drugs ??? outlawed bareback saddle is rides???? - Ridecamp Guest

    alabama Phazeout92@xxxxxxx
    i was reading and endurnace mag and one of the articles was about drugs and supplements that you couldnt use in a sertain amount of time to a ride and how long sertain drugs stay in teh horses system.  it said that there was alot more to mention.   my 1st question was, what supplements can we use? my horses get red cell, daily wormer, calf manna, cosequin, asper ease ( for lameness and ARTHRITS,) corta flex, and super concentrate flex free max strength,plus of course electrolites. now they had mentioned that they can and will test horses at randmon. but what supplements carry, as an ingrediant, things they look for? i mean there was  list of things that i thought were familuar but wasnt sure. some are ingrediants to robaxton. so i know i cant use it cuz it will show up on a test, (not that i use it anyway)...
    2nd... i was looking at the sportack.com links and wone of the endurance organizations had mentioned in one of their rule articles that ANY kind kind of saddle could be use or changed to a diff one in the ride. but had toi weight a sertain amount.  AHOA, i think, in ohio. so does that mean i can use a bareback pad. i do alot of trail riding in one.  does it meet the weight req.? i put a sqaure sheet on and a fitted anglish pad and a wither pad for cushion on aand then my saddle pad and i spend all day on that thing. ( english is my disipline so my balance is good) what i wanted to know is it ok to use in most rides?? if not who then can i use it with???
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