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    [RC] Confessions of a kicker. - Ridecamp Guest

    Nina Vasiliev rides4fun@xxxxxxxxxxx
    Riders don't always know how close the horse is who is traveling
     behind them.  The rider might be consentrating on a hazard that
     is coming up, while their horse is feeling threatened by the
     horse moving up on his butt.  My horse wears a red ribbon, and
     while he has only kicked twice in 5 years of lots of trail, I
     still mark him. I tell any rider behind me that my guy WILL kick
     and to be sure to be careful.
     I ask anyone behind me if they want to pass, and if the answer is
     no, I tell them that they just need to let me know if they change
     their mind, and I will move over.  I also try to keep track of
     how close the rider behind me is traveling.  But I can't keep
     thinking to the rear every moment.  The conditions in front of me
     need my attention especially when my guy is a bit strong in the
     early ride.
    Sometimes horses will respond to a threat with a kick.  We all know this.  So, if my horse kicks yours, I am very very sorry.  I don't want your horse hurt. I don't want to teach you a lesson.   But like that tail-gaiting traffic law, I can't be responcible for what you and your horse do behind my back.  So, if I have been diligent with warnings and polite with offering up the trail and my horse kicks your horse...That's not our fault. Please don't be mad at me.
    Think about what you did to bring this on.
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