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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:26:20 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] White hooves - Maggie & David

    To quote an old horseman's saying:
    One white foot, buy a horse.
    Two white feet, try a horse.
    Three white feet, look well about him.
    Four white feet, do well without him.
    White hooves tend to be softer. If you have a good farrier, and your horse doesn't have to stand in mud all of the time, you'll never have a problem. If he's a nice horse in every other way, buy him.
    Maggie Pritchard
    I spoke to a gentleman about an anglo arab he had for sale.  He told me it could never do rides longer than 15 miles because he has three white hooves.  Now, could someone please elaborate on this?  He said the horse was perfectly sound but that white hooves were weak.  I never heard of this before but as I mentioned earlier I've been away from the horse world for a long time.

    [RC] Grand Island Part two, Maggie Mieske
    [RC] White hooves, T.B.Pots