Howard (has no idea how you measure energy expended on a horse; are they counting sweat droplets?)>>
Howard, yes, you're right. Don't listen to what other people are going to theorise about how energy expenditure is measured - they know squat ;-))
What they do, is place a bucket underneath the horse to catch the sweat, then weigh the contents, subtract the weight of the bucket, add the humidity of the atmosphere, subtract the time of day, divide that number by 3.27896 and times by 100 to get the percentage, and voila, you have the energy expended expressed in a real number!
Now, to the canter and trot and HRM and seriousness. I've noticed with Ibn that his heart rate will drop to about 100 - 120 at a nice easy canter but will shoot up to about 160 - 180 at a normal trot and 190 - 200 at the extended trot (that one where the back legs come flying past your ears). I take it that it depends on the horse, his fitness and which gait he likes best. These measurements are on nice even ground, not ups and downs where there are a myria
d of different factors to calculate as well.