[RC] Green Horses - or is it really green riders? - Lif Strand
I've been waiting for someone to point out that in our sport, some of the
horses that are acting up the worst are not green at all, they're just
pumped up with adrenaline and no place to put that energy until they get to
start. And why are they "acting out"?
Mike wrote:
one mile into the ride, an out-of-control horse dumped its rider on his
head causing concussion (and was lost for a few hours wandering the desert
without his horse), and then several miles from the first vet check, yet
another "green" horse kicked at another horse but missed, hitting instead
the rider, causing compound fractures of her leg and requiring a medievac
helicopter ride.
Green horses or excited horses with less than perfectly in control
riders? Would either of these horses have acted this way with a more able
rider? Do you know for a fact that the *horses* were green - or is this
really a rider issue?
I think many times - perhaps most - it's the quality of riding that
determines whether these accidents will happen or not. I would bet good
money (if I had any money and if I wasn't so cheap that I'd risk betting
it) that if you put a Hilda Gurney (just to pick a name out of the helmet)
on one of those "green" horses they'd suddenly be not very green at all.
Let's face facts - endurance doesn't measure horsemanship in any direct
way, and I'd put more of that good money on a bet that a *very* high
percentage of endurance riders have not had any great amount of
professional riding instruction in their pasts. So let's forget expecting
horses to behave properly if the riders don't know how to ask for that
Lif Strand
Quemado NM USA
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- Replies
- RE: [RC] Green Horses, Mike Sofen
- Re: [RC] Green Horses, Truman Prevatt