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    RE: [RC] underwear - Roby, Diane

     Howard, don't use a razor on your nether regions.  I'm not Penny's friend
    but I can tell you that there is nothing worse than razor bumps and sweaty
    skin.  Not to mention the possibilities of ingrown hairs.  Not a pleasant
    concept when you are only 20 miles out on a 100 mile ride.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Howard Bramhall
    To: sharp penny; ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Sent: 5/25/2002 5:32 PM
    Subject: Re: [RC]   underwear
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: sharp penny
    Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 10:20 AM
    To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Subject: Re: [RC] underwear
    I'm kinda late on this post but had to chime in :)...this has been a
    personal quest for me (much like the great saddle quest but a heck of a
    lot cheaper and much more painful for me) I have tried every undies
    option under the sun and all ended rubbing me raw and/or causing major
    heat rash. Yes, I live in good ole hot humid Texas. Borrowing a tip from
    a long distance runner I have found no underwear and lots of vasoline
    works great.(it sounded gross to me at first as well, but I was
    desperate and willing to try anything) My friend also suggested for
    those who are ..er..how do I put this delicately?...very hairy, might
    want to shave that region as well...>blush<..
      Okay Howard, go ahead and run with this one...lol
    Dear Penny:
    Man, what can I possibly say to top that?  I'm out of ideas.  All I can
    add to the Vaseline thing is that, if you're using a heart monitor,
    Roger says not to use petroleum based products.  I've heard KY jelly is
    better.  You might want to try that one out.  What kind of razor do you
    use for the shaving part?  What's the email address of your friend?
    Howard (my heartbeat is going thru the roof with this thread)
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