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    Re: [RC] Greenies - Howard Bramhall

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Betsy O'Shea
    Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 8:11 PM
    To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Subject: Re: [RC] Greenies

    why did you fold so easily? No way is Howard "right" and you were certainly
    not "out-argued."  what could be more dangerous than the start situation
    Howard describes.  Horses should be under control so as not to endanger others.


    Karl hasn't folded; not at all.  He has some very valid points; I just wish he'd try the sport first before offering up solutions to problems I wasn't even that worried about. I mean FEI endurance wants a passport for your horse, Karl is suggesting that all endurance riders get tested and obtain a license.

    I'm just trying to say what is wrong here?  I really don't see it.  Who asked for drastic changes to be made to the sport in this area?  If something was seriously wrong, if we had horses dropping over like flies, I'd be the first one out there screaming "foul."  But, we don't.  And the green riders and their green horses are not killing any riders that I know about, although I'm sure some of you may have stories to argue with me on that one.  Maybe, it's different out west, I don't know (that's a joke folks, please don't attack poor little ole me on that one).

    Come on, is this a serious problem?  Do you feel yourselves in danger at a ride because of a few green riders? And, if we were to try and regulate such a thing, who is going to identify these green riders or their horses?  I feel more at danger sleeping in my tent at night the during the week-end of an endurance ride, wondering if a loose horse is going to crush my head in.  I'm sorry, but I do feel that there is somewhat of a thrill to endurance, and if we start controlling everything to make everyone feel safe the "fun" will soon leave the sport.

