OK, I promise not to flood ya'll with data; not just yet, anyway. But, I gotta tell ya, if you have a few bucks laying around (yea right, who the heck has that?) you really should consider buying one of these things. I didn't think it was any big deal when I first bought it for the wife on her birthday (if it's the wife's gift, what the heck are you doing using it?)until I started using it on all of my horses. And guess what it told me? It told me that Dance Line, my beloved 17 hand American Saddlebred, has the most rapidly fluctuating heart beat of any other animal on the planet and has hit numbers like 168 just while warming his butt up, in the trot, around the arena. If I would have known this two years ago, I would never have done those 50 mile endurance rides on him. Ever. I'm afraid my buddy's endurance days are over; I doubt if I'll go back to doing even a LD ride on him. Those numbers are thru the roof! Now, I know some of you are gonna start in on me, like why didn't you know this sooner? Well, from what I can tell, his heart rate goes down so quickly, I would not have known this, and never did, by stopping, getting off the horse and using a stethoscope. This is one of those things that you can only see while riding with a heart monitor. And, yes, the numbers may be a false reading, but for some reason, I don't think that they are. I've been getting really good readings from my other horses and, whew, the three of them are in excellent shape, but Dance Line. Man, I had no idea. No wonder he was so erratic when I went thru a vet check, even the pre ride check. He sees a fly, his heart rate rises faster than Spider Man climbing a tall building. And the rate seems to come down just as fast as it went up. So, the point of this is, if you are a newbie, and you aren't sure whether or not your horse is ready to do an endurance ride or even a LD, I highly suggest you get one of these things and use it while training. And, ask Roger, I'm not endorsing or getting paid by anyone to say this. I'm just saying this will tell you if your horse is ready. And, most important, let you know if he isn't. I'm in love with the darn thing and have even learned to glance down at the reading on the watch and miss that tree branch simultaneously, while riding. Just don't ask me a question, if you ride with me, cause I can't talk while doing the other two operations. And, yea, I don't chew gum while riding with the watch either. My brain seems to be able to only handle so many functions at a time, the fewer the better. Anyway, if you're training a new horse, especially a non-Arabian, and you really want to do a ride, but, are having doubts, get this monitor. The numbers do tell the story. I'm convinced. Now granted, I had sort of laid Dance Line off from riding for awhile, but I don't think he has lost that much of his athleticism from where I had him when we did do endurance together. I do love to ride this horse and it's why I did attempt to combine my favorite horse with my favorite sport. We even completed a couple of 50's. But, I think this heart monitor thing has told me something I did not want to hear. Dance Line, as tall and gorgeous as he is, might be completely wrong for this kind of distance. (Duh, Howard, we tried to tell you that a long time ago). Not even an LD. Upsetting to me? You bet, but I'm glad I found out. cya, Howard (still kind of freaked out with this new toy)