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    Re: [RC] Mt. Carmel ER story/endurance is not for snivelers - C. Eyler

    I can't believe that anyone (at least those who've been on Ridecamp for a
    while) couldn't tell that Karen was putting a humorous slant on her ER
    story.  I was laughing so loudly it startled my dog and cats.
    Several years ago, after I broke a rib in a riding accident and was having
    trouble breathing and was in danger of blacking out, I had a truly
    delightful encounter with an ER doc.  He walked into the curtained enclosure
    and starting ranting about how he just could not understand how anyone would
    "climb up on a thousand pound animal with a brain the size of a pea."  I
    told him to knock it off and get on with business.
    A year later, it was a great relief that the ER nurse and doc who cared for
    me turned out to be riders themselves.  We talked horsey stuff as we
    reviewed the x-rays.  LOL
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    [RC] Mt. Carmel ER story/endurance is not for snivelers, beth glover
    RE: [RC] Mt. Carmel ER story/endurance is not for snivelers, Karen