This was the mare's 5th or 6th ride. We were going slow. The vets recommended electrolyting and I had never given her electrolytes before that time. The day before the ride. When I found out she had the problem, I asked the vets if the electrolytes could have caused it and they said "no". But you have to wonder. Also of note, about two weeks prior the mare had an episode of being slightly off her feed - something that is very unusual for her. There were no other symptoms, fever, etc. She resumed eating about 8 hours later and everything seemed fine. Again, I related this to the vets and they couldn't answer if this was related.
They did say that the reason she experienced colicky symptoms during or shortly after riding was due to the stomach acid splashing against the irritated tissues. She was responding to the pain and that is why on the ride she exhibited symptoms but after hand walking and resting they subsided.
Life's too short to dance in someone else's shoes.