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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:25:21 GMT 2003
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    [RC] My Perspective on FEI - goearth

    There was a time when FEI was at the vanguard of High Adventure for me because i love High Adventure.  Lately, actually Stockholm was the start, it has been a sport geared towards 'Getting into the Olympics'.  At that point it started going towards bringing Endurance to the masses.  Then it left horse friendly trails and tests to become Flat Race Tiny Hiney Spectator Sport.  This sport will never be Spectator Friendly.  25% Completitions don't do much for me on flat track.  It means 1 thing.  The participants took a reckless path.  That path is whats taken me from the FEI path to other high adventure paths. I still think the concept is good but there are some points that needs fixing because its getting REAL close to being broken. The highlight of my Endurance FEI  was a  28th place finish and the National Anthem was played in Germany  when we won Team Gold.  That meant a lot to a Viet Nam Veteran...more than anything you will ever know.  That even overshadows my top ten individual finish at the PAC in Ontario.  Where went the Team?  all we hear about are the Queens and Kings.    tom sites