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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:25:22 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Money fer Nothing - goearth

    Oh, i just love RC.  Where we can discuss differances of opinion in a civil manner.  Intregrity. civility, Love,  empathy, kindness  etc...all cost nothing.  Horses, tack, shoes, Vets, entry fees,  land, fences, trucks, trailers, insurance etc...all cost something.  Over time i realize my grant to study the Sexual Lives of Savages probably won't come thru.  My poetry will never bring even a return on my pens and paper.  Since we live in a capitalistic society and socialism is dead then i have to be pragmatic about the situation.  The purists who want to keep $$ out should realize that Flat Track Racing to me injures and kills more horses than endurance ever will.  The walking horses look inhumane to me.  So this sport Endurance is gonna remain pure?  If you can't trust a priest who can you anymore?    Howard,  how do you figure your Gal Val keeps it up? Does she make a buck how she can?  I say go for it...
     for if money comes in so should all those intangibles that cost nothing.  Thats where AERC and the Vets come in and believe me folks its coming in and you can sit back and cry PURITY or you can shout CONTROL.  tom sites