Re: Multidays & 4 year olds
Just wanted to say that I am pleased that this thread
generated so much intelligent discussion... when I first saw it, I thought "uh,
oh". Many intelligent and thought provoking observations were made...this
is why I love RC! We have our coming 7 year old and also a coming 4 year
old. Obviously, both are at very different fitness levels and though they
are half brothers, even the four year old is not at the same fitness level
as his 7 year old brother was at his age...they are alike in many ways and yet
so different. We must always remember to keep the individual horse in mind
and train and ride accordingly. Just because Malik was a lean, mean
trotting machine at 4 doesn't mean Mykal will be! He may be but I don't
think he'll peak or excel at trotting or anything else until he is 5 or
6. He needs alot more conditioning than his brother ever did!
Anyway, kudos to everyone for a great discussion! That was my main point
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