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Re: RC: Attn: Tucker Saddle Owners/Past Owners

Hi Lauren,
    If a saddle "rocks," i.e., you can tip it back and forth, it is actually sitting high on the middle part and not fitting well at either the front or back (or one or the other if it only tips forward or back but not both).  If that is the case, you should not find dry "strips" along the spine.  Rocking is the opposite of bridging.  Bridging is what causes the dry strips.  Synergist Saddles say that bridging is good because it allows room for the horse's back to come up "into" the saddle when the horse is moving (and also using its rear and back).
    I agree that having a dry strip on either side of the spine is actually very good, whether you call it bridging or not, because it means there is good spine clearance.  But what you don't also want to find are dry spots, white hairs, swelling, tenderness (any or all) on either side of the withers.  If you find those, then I would say you have a real  problem.  The problem is how the saddle fits the withers, not whether it rocks or bridges.  If you have problems at the withers, the saddle is just plain too narrow for the horse.
    If all you're finding is dry strips on either side of the spine, along the back, I would say that the saddle probably fits just fine.
Cheers, Laney
PS  How's Rosie?  We miss her!

Lauren Horn wrote:

Unfortunately, it seems my new Tucker Equitation Endurance saddle is not fitting my horse. The saddle has quite a bit of rocker to it and is causing  dry area strips on either side of the back. Anyone else have this problem and if you did what saddle did you change to? Lauren   Lauren & Allan Horn
San Juan Capistrano, CA

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