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Re: RC: Re: Re: Good places to live
In a message dated 01/10/2002 2:39:38 AM Eastern Standard Time, hwb67@msn.com
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As much as I adore Florida, I have to agree with Truman. Blue Ridge
Mountains, in Virginia, is where I want to die. Ride nine months there a
year, and then come to Florida, the only place to be the other three (Dec,
Jan, & Feb). I mean, a guy's gotta ride, or be able to, 365 days a year. It
can be done.
There are places in those Virginia mountains, where you never see the light
of day. Something is always blocking out the sun. And the ride, on the back
of a horse, is a challenge. Talk about some slippery rocks!
There's another really beautiful spot in NC, called Leatherwood. I think the
mountain there feeds into the Blue Ridge, slithering north towards Virginia.
My wife, the kid and me are gonna shell out the big bucks and spend a week
there, up in a cabin in the mountains, with 3 of our horses stalled in the
immaculate barn below, with not a care in the world except knowing that the
Jacuzzi is now warm enough to get into. Centered around an endurance event
not to be missed. I think this ride is the biggest challenge on the East
Coast, if not the country. And, the best thing is, you don't have to camp
out. YEAAAAAAAAA. No tent to pack that week! No need to worry about the
weather. I'm excited already and it's still 3 months away.
Howard (I gotta get packing for Jennings; so much stuff, so little time)
Hey Howard,
This is pretty good stuff!! Can I use it in our Leatherwood Ads?? It is a
tough ride but we have about 5 endurance riders that keep their horses here
year round and condition. Duane and Nina are two of them. Also there is
place called Mount Rogers, VA which is 1 1/2 hours north of Leatherwood that
you would swear you were riding out west. Beautiful views of the Blueridge
Mountains, big bolders and canyons that you ride through, wild ponies running
everywhere. Good luck at Jennings.
Phil Rash
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