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Suspensory Ligament
Lynne Tomovick ltomovick@hotmail.com
My horse has had intermitent tenderness and slight swelling in his
suspensory on one of his front legs. He has never been lame, but
something is happening in there.
This started about 5 months ago. The vet ultrasounded the leg and found
some minor irritation, but no major damage. After that, he had 4 months
of pasture rest. In November/Dec. I started light riding him (walking,
light trotting short canter stretches) since at this point he had no sign
of irritation. (although there is thickening from scar tissue??) In the
past month we've built up to ~10 miles at ~2-3 hours in the hills. After
our last long ride ~2 weeks ago, he's started acting tender in that area
LTLH is not a problem, he's seeing a chiropractor this weekend, saddle fit
issues are being worked out. This horse is 13, seasoned and has done the
Tevis no problem. The vet is going to ultrasound him again.
Any thoughts & experiences? I'm in the Black Hills of South Dakota.
Anyone know a good veterinarian w/ this type of experience w/in driving
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