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Breed bashing? Not--a more historical perspective (long) Part 3

Part 3
As for some other breeds--many of the gaited breeds were originally bred to cover ground comfortably and do it all day.  While their gaited-ness may interfere with speed, many have at least reasonable metabolic traits for this sport.  So what's a person's particular goal?  Some of these horses make pretty good mileage horses, some are even somewhat competitive, and while like all breeds (Arabs included) there have been traits bred for the modern show ring that are not conducive to endurance, if one finds the individuals that are of a previously popular working type in most gaited breeds, one has a pretty reasonable shot at endurance.
The Standardbred is probably second only to the Arab in the percentages within the breed suitable for our sport.  While they've been bred for the track, the trotters have been raced rather differently than the TB's in that they run several heats in one day, and hence have maintained some pretty reasonable metabolic traits for endurance as well.  Biggest disadvantage to Standardbreds, IMO, is that they tend to have only one gear at the trot--LONG--and can be kind of funny to look at from the vet's viewpoint, unless the rider can really RUN to present them, and get them going fast enough that those legs get into gear!  <g>

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