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Re: Calling Susan!
Hi, Susan.
Thanks for your prompt response. To answer your queries and suggestions :
>I'm assuming you still don't have beet pulp available in your area, so
that's a no go.
Sob! No....
>If at all possible, I would try to add as much fat to his ration as
I've put him onto half a cup of sunflower oil in the morning and night.
>Is there any kind of chaff feed available that would supply fiber and that
would work to add oil to, so that you can limit his hay?
I can try to get hold of some chopped lucerne (alfalfa) if that would help.
We're just battling to find the fresh stuff right now, so I'm not sure if
I'll find the chopped stuff, but I'll try.
>Rice bran would be a good feed for this guy, too, if you can get it. If
so, we'll have to check and make sure the calcium levels are adequate.
I thought about bran, but worried about the calcium. I don't know of anyone
who feeds rice bran, or if we can get it here, but I'll check around.
>Also, you might consider adding a good general purpose vitamin-mineral mix.
Mineral deficiencies have been theorized, though not proven, to exacerbate
flightiness so making sure he's getting enough is a good idea.
He's on SuperCodlivine twice a day, which is (for my money) the best mix on
our market.
>Also make sure that he has adequate salt, as deficiencies can cause poor
doers even when enough calories are present in the diet.
He's not a huge drinker, so I've started giving him the light e-lyte mix
which I give to Toc, 25 grams twice per day, because it is REALLY hot here
at the moment and he's sweating a lot in the paddock. He's a bit of a shit
when it comes to adding anything to his feed - won't eat his grain if
there's anything "iffy" in it, so I can't add more (yet) and he won't eat
free choice salt (mainly because the pony would snarf it up before anyone
else gets a chance)
>And although it sounds contrary, working him more might be very helpful.
As energy expenditure increases, the appetite does too and sometimes it's
enough for horses to really start eating what's in their box.
I thought about that, too, and we have increased his workload slowly. He's
being ridden daily now, although not hard as it's just too darn hot to ride
during the day, so we're riding at about 8:30 at night.
>I know, sounds backwards. I don't mean wild gallops, but just alot of
steady work.
Basically, he does flatwork every week day and jumps Saturday and hacks out
for a couple of hours on a Sunday. I think it does help.
We've also moved his hay net to the doorway (from the back of the stable)
and have noticed that the box walking has decreased, and he's eating more
hay. I guess he likes to watch the world go by when he's eating.
>You might also try a panacur purge to rule out any parasites,
I also thought of that last night. He was dewormed with Ivermectin and
"the-one-what-does-tapes" (can never remember the name!) a week ago, but
according to the owner, they've never done a Panacur purge, so I'm going to
try it.
>and try the usual things like giving him toys or a stallmate (maybe a
goat?) to occupy him more.
I'll try the toys, but he's too aggressive for a stallmate, I think.
>Stall walking can be pretty hard to overcome though.
Sigh! I know. Every time I see his bedding in the morning, I can't help
thinking "Aaaaarrrrggghhhh!! Legend, adequin, legend, adequin!" His poor
>I also wouldn't be surprised if this guy had gastric ulcers, but you would
have to 'scope him to make sure.
I've considered that as well, because he's so highly strung. He is not a
colicky horse (has never colicked in his life), but I still think ulcers may
be there. The ulcer meds are so expensive. Would giving him aloe vera gel
help as a "just in case" measure?
>Good luck with him.
Thanks. I rode him last night, and although he is grass green, he has some
great eventing potential, if I can just overcome the whole "been in a
chambon too long" frame and get him to use his shoulder more. He's
incredibly bold, too.
I'll let you know how it goes.
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