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Re: Trailer Loading
> Just wondered if anyone has any new ideas... we tried the lunge lines from
> behind & have been doing lots of 'head down', she does that great but no
> forward motion. This horse is very sensitive & responds
You might want to take a look at the Johm Lyons video on trailer loading. I
like it because all the horse has to do to get rewarded is just the
slightest forward motion, and just gets pestered until he does that. It
never escalates to a fist fight, which just seems to teach the horse that
he's perfectly justified in getting hysterical about all this nonsense.
(Not suggesting you're doing that, Bany).
I've never been wild about having to coax a horse into a trailer with feed
and carrots, I once rode with someone who routinely budgeted about an hour
(or more) to convince her horse to step into the trailer, every damn time.
The horse wasn't scared, just knew his cooperation was optional until he was
ready to go in. I was ready to poke forks into my eyes.<g>
Anyway, the Lyons methods have worked pretty well for me even with "bad"
loading horses. It usually takes a good two hour session the first day and
a few shorter sessions after that, but of course never try teaching them to
load the day you actually want to go somewhere. I especially like being
able to always send a horse into the trailer, I never lead them in except
for really big trailers. Had too many friends that have gotten slam-dunked
underneath a horse inside a trailer. Anyway, the video is worth taking a
look at. I also especially like the methods because it teaches the horse
how to step down from the trailer long before he actually has to totally
unload himself. It sounds weird, but they can get "stuck" inside a step
trailer if they're afraid to let themselves fall back to get out.
Good luck. :-)
Susan G
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