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cold horses and blankets

Remember the posts about southern horses shivering in 40 degrees??  Well we got hit with 2 days and nights of snow and ice here in coastal SC.  UGH!!  DeeDee was one of those shivering in 40 degrees so I got a new waterproof felt lined blankie for her.  Other 3, 2 from Colorado, don't seem to mind the cold.  Until....freezing rain!  And they will not go to the run-in shed bc it in close to the trees and limbs are snapping off from the heavy ice, sounding like rifle shots!!!  Yikes! 
Weather was clear yesterday but still freezing and there is still plenty of snow left.  I hope this is "our winter" and that will be all we get.  But I am not counting on it.  So I am ordering blankies for the other 3 horses.  DeeDee is acclimating, however.  I pull the blanket as the sun comes up and don't put it back on till bedtime and she does not shiver now even when temps are in 20s by evening.  Good food, blanket when necessary and give them chance to adapt.  Seems to be working.
I hate winter.  But at least hunting season is over!!!:)
Beth Gunn

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