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San Diego: BOS vote Jan 9-County Trails Goals and Policies]

I know that we love to ride, but if we have no trails...... There are
many of who have horses and only seem to attend meetings, so if you
could email these reps, even if not in your area, they would at least
know there are horse people out there.
Kandhy Franklin-Collins
Sec/Treas San Diego County Trails Council

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Gwen and all-please circulate

On Jan 9 the Board of Supervisors will be voting on the County Trails draft 
Goals and Policies.  As trails advocates, we need as many people there as we 
can, as the opposition may also be there in numbers. The meeting begins at 
9am and we will need to have our speaker slips in. I've tried to check the 
agenda on the BOS website, but there was too much activity at that time, to 
see where this was on the agenda.  If you haven't written or even if you 
have, the BOS and DPLU needs to hear from everyone.  

    *please support the County Trails Plan Goals and Policies as directed by 
county staff
    *include the trails plan in the GP2020

    The more individuals they hear from the better.

Supervisors email is:

County Board of Supervisors
County Administration Center
1600 Pacific Highway
San Diego, CA  92101
ph. 619-531-5700
fax 619-557-4025

Jennifer Bruin
Trails Coordinator
Dept of Planning and Land Use
5201 Ruffin Rd., Ste B
San Diego, CA 92123-1666

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