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"bra burning broodmares"
I thought this slow
> pace would be good for her. It actually made her crazy!
This is why I am hesitant to make out as if I am a really conservative
person. What I am is a really PARANOID person. Someone else asked
what's wrong with people who claim they're going to take it easy then
take off flying with the pack. Well...if my horse is trotting incredibly
fast but happy I think it's safer and less likely to injure him than
fighting with him and taking his mind off the trail. So long as he's
using his excitement in a forward direction and not galloping or going
too fast downhill, I'll let him trot. I'll slow down more after the
first vet check when the horses get sorted out a little. If he's
traveling with a horse that's too fast I'll just let them get gone before
I leave. I haven't gotten in trouble doing this, but I believe in
assuming that you did some damage over the course of 50 miles, and taking
enough time off after the ride to let whatever it is heal stronger than
it was originally before I'll let him get in that situation again. Think
about how you feel after playing in a softball game (tennis, whatever)
when you haven't played in a long time. You usually feel fine the day
you do it...it's the day after, and the SECOND day after that you feel
like taking time off!
how do you know when
> you go past the line?
Always pretend you did, whether there's symptoms or not is my theory.
She does get lots of recovery time between
> rides
That's the key!
We have not done over 20
> miles at this point, but I hope to be doing 30 by May.
Even on a 100 mile horse, I seldom train over 22 miles. She may be ready
for a 50.
Is this
> reasonable with a very athletic horse?
> she carries 180 -
> 190# (my next dilemma - do I join AERC as lightweight or
> middleweight?)
Middleweight! Far less competition (in numbers, not quality >g<) Also,
she'll be carrying as much as 20 lbs. less than her competition, instead
of 20 lbs. more. Just fill up your waterbottles and drink a lot of water
before weigh in...what the heck, have the Whopper instead of the Whopper
Jr. too. :-)
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