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Newbie - Just returning to riding
Good for you! I started doing endurance a few years ago on a 17 year old
Arabian mare who had done nothing but eat and walk around with my kids on
her! I also boarded about 15 minutes from my house, but with work & kids,
couldn't ride everyday either! I also have never had dressage lessons
(would love to someday).
I rode my horse about 8 miles 2X a week after work and did about 10-15 miles
on a Saturday ride. I conditioned for about 4 months, took a training ride
of about 25 miles 2 weeks before my 1st 30. We did great. She just trotted
down the trail (no speed records here). When we finished she pulsed in at
35! I did a total of 4 limited distance rides on her where we actually got
8th place in the Twin Oaks ride, which was pretty hilly.
I say go for it. Take your time for you and your horse! I just go this
little mare back, she's 21 now & in such good shape, I think I could do a 25
on her tomorrow!
Have fun
Kathy Garner
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