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Cowboy Showers?

Happy New Year to everyone...
Got a couple questions...
#1-For those that have the "cowboy shower" installed in their trailers...What I'm talking about is a shower that is installed in the first horse stall with (usually) a door going from the tack/living area to the horse trailer part, the shower is installed in the wall between the living area and the horse area,  and the waste water just runs down the mats and out the back.  Eliminates the need for gray/black tanks under the trailer etc.  I travel a lot of gravel roads around here and am interested in something that doesn't have the tanks hanging under the trailer.
Do they work?  Has anyone had any major problems with them?  Would you have one again? 
#2-There is a company out of Utah or Idaho that sells camper showers...different models that either hook up to a propane bottle or battery operated.  I believe the company name is Zodi...  They often have showers on e-bay...and do sell directly.
Has anyone purchased one?  Do they work?  Simple to operate?
Jan Stevens
Fort Howes Endurance Rides, Inc.
Custer National Forest-Ashland, Montana
June 7th-100 Mile IAHA National Endurance Championship, AERC Sanctioned and FEI Sanctioned
June 8th-50/25 Milers AERC Sanctioned
June 9th-50 Mile IAHA National Endurance Championship and AERC Sanctioned
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