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Vaccines and tying up (long)
Ok, here is one for the experts out there. I believe I have my vet and
friends all stumped.
My friend from Maryland is in town for the week, so I took the week off to go
play. She got here Friday night and Sunday we went out on a 4 hour slow
trail ride (mostly walking). Monday am we rode Alpine in the ring for about
30 minutes, not too strenous (we were working on bend at the trot). Vet came
out about 11:30 and did vaccines, EWT, Rhino flu, and Rabies all given in the
right side of the neck. (we also pulled a coggins). Went to a movie and got
home about 6ish.
I walked out the door to go feed, and Alpine was just standing under a tree
with his head to his neck. Uh oh, that's not good. Go out there and the
poor thing couldn't move. Got him to the barn and took TPR, temp was 102.4,
heartrate about 60. He also wouldn't eat. I immediatly called my vet back
and she told me to give him 2 bute. When I went back to the barn to do that,
his temp was up to 103. Went down after the bute, but he was still very
stiff in the back end.
Vet came out tues am (he was much better, but still stiff). We pulled blood
to see if he tied up, but I haven't got the results back yet. Has anyone
ever heard of vaccines causing a tie up? He has NO history of this or of
vaccine reactions and we are perplexed. I can't see how the little bit of
riding I did would cause him to tie up, and it's my understanding that tie
ups don't come with spiked fevers. Anyway, Alpine is now on pasture rest,
his feed cut back, and removed from alfalfa (he's mad).
Second question, if the blood work shows he tied up, I know I'm going to be
changing his feeding protocol, but what are your suggestions. Currently he
is on 12% Seminole pellet (about 1 1/2 pounds twice a day) and coastal hay.
He gets a couple of alfalfa cubes in his dinner. Do I need to look into any
supplements? I have heard that Vit E and Selenium should be supplemented.
Any advice would be welcome!
Juli and Alpine (Mom cut dinner!!!!!! Now I'm cranky)
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