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Re: RC: Tevis Video

> If you would like your money back, please return your copy of the >
tapeto the Tevis office.

No, no. Didn't mean to sound so negative. I was just disappointed.  I
LOVE getting stuff like this and was looking forward to showing it to my
students.  The footage is very nice and I think it's well worth
re-narrating it in English.  It's not like they'd have to dub it in like
a Godzilla movie with the lips not matching or anything. >g<  It's just
the narrator.  Also, to be fair. I'm watching it as I get ready this
morning and there's more!  My stupid VCR acted like it had hit the end
last night and stopped.   Today it just kept going and there's more on
there.  What are the odds of at least getting a script?


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