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Re: Comfort issues for ladies from beginning rider
Dear Laurie-
Staying hydrated for both horse and rider is very
important so be sure to drink alot and find a way
to cope with the stress incontinence.
I think every woman should have Dr. Michele
Moore's book "The Only Menopause Guide You'll
Need". It deals with stress incontinence and about
every other thing all women should know about
their bodies.
You probably already do the Kegel exercises. She
also suggests acupuncture and the biofeedback
chair designed specifically for stress
incontinence. She suggests estriol vaginal cream
also. She also mentions the use of a diaphrgm
where the rubber cup is cut away - inserted in the
morning and taken out at night - which has the
effect of a pessary - and is entirely under the
woman's control. She deals even with the use of
urinary plugs and surgery in her book...
Of course she says to avoid bladder irritants
like: caffeine, smoking, apple juice, carbonated
drinks, coffee, vinegar, granaries, onions,
apples, grapes, spicy foods, tomato, alcohol etc
She also deals with herbs that are sometimes
helpful like catnip, causticum. ferrum phos,
Dr. Moore's book is a must for all women -
especially women who wish to remain healthy and
I find even though we drink alot when riding
distance we seem to sweat (women I guess really do
perspire) more and need to urinate less - which
indicates we need to drink even more. It is a
good thing at home to also practice 'dismounting -
urinating - remounting' with your horse so that it
becomes routine like all the other things we
practice at home.
Good luck in your riding!
Happy trails - Joan
----- Original Message -----
From: <guest@endurance.net>
To: <ridecamp@endurance.net>
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 2:03 AM
Subject: RC: Comfort issues for ladies from
beginning rider
> Laurie Durgin LADurgin@aol.com
> I am planning my first ride this year and want
to know if any of you ladies have bladder control
issues. And how you manage them on a ride. I train
using ladies napkins, because sometimes I am
incontinant a bit. (must be fromthe 4 babies) I
don't have the problem all the time. Of course I
can find a bush as well as anyone. Also I seem to
have a smaller bladder than most. I wonder how to
stay hydrated without needing a pit stop 20
minutes later. I stay away from caffeine.It's not
as bad in the summer, but I can't drink 2 bottles
of water in a couple hours without having to find
several bushes. Anyone got any PRODUCTIVE tips?
NO old lady jokes please!
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