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RC: Re: Question for the serious trail ride

Here in Southern California, it is hard to find pasture board period.  Land 
is scarce here.  When you do find pasture board, no back shoes allowed.  My 
horses are in 24x24 corrals, we have access 24/7, so I spend a lot of time 
there exercising my mares (I lease out one of my mares to 2 people, just so 
she gets exercise).  

We have 3 large arenas which I use for turn out.  This is not the ideal 
situation but I've learned to live with it.  We have access to shared tack 
rooms, or you can build your own (I don't like to share with strangers), and 
room to park your trailer.  

We also have access to hours worth of trails, tons of hills, rivers to cross, 
etc., without having to go on any roads, and that's the most important thing 
at any barn I believe.  

My dream is to buy my own place and give my mares 1/2 acre each to play in, 
but that's a long way off.  In the mean time, I and my fellow endurance 
boarders, have learned to live with it, it is possible to have an endurance 
horse in small corrals.

Judy, Wisteria and Shylynn

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